Wednesday, December 2, 2009

When is the best time to buy sold out tickets?

i want to go to a concert, but the tickets are expensive right now. will they get cheaper the day before or the day of or will a scalper sell them cheaper?

When is the best time to buy sold out tickets?nba statistics

try I've had good luck with them. They're pretty reasonable. I've seen scalpers after the show has begun that have had decent prices (trying to dump them at the last minute), but I wouldn't bank on it. Ebay might work too. I've heard of people selling tickets there, you might get lucky.

When is the best time to buy sold out tickets?nba store ,nba teams

nope... they will stay high. Buy before they are sold out or decide to pay more money later
You may luck out if you go to the box office right before the show. Scalpers don't sell the tickets cheaper- they tend to inflate the price to make a profit. Maybe you can try ticketmaster a day or two before the show, they will re-sell tickets that were ordered but not payed for (credit cancellations, cancelled sales, etc.).
buy them before they are all sold out.
buy now

price is usually by seating

the best seats go first

scalper tickets could be counterfeit. even if it has pretty holograms etc. (happened to me)

will call might have some cancelations (just luck)

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